Same. I am a Myers-Briggs INTJ. I have always been on the outside looking in when it comes to teams, cliques, clubs, and other social constructs designed to exclude. Early in life, my natural introversion was a source of pain. I wasn’t given the tools to understand introversion. I was essentially hung out to dry in a social sense. If people acknowledged me at all, it was to look down their noses at me and ask what was wrong with me. Adult life hasn’t been much kinder. I studied psychology in graduate school, and even surrounded by psychologists, I was ostracized. So much for practicing what you preach. My dating life was equally dismal. It took years, but I finally learned what nobody else would tell me, that I am not inferior to everyone else, just more different than most people are capable of understanding. I have been married for 25 amazing years. I can still count my friends on one hand.
Now Coronavirus and social distancing. I am not making light of the loss of life that the virus has wrought, but I cannot even relate to people who are having trouble dealing with not being able to immerse themselves in their customary sea of “friends”. For most people, social distancing seems to be a torment. For me, it’s another day that ends in “Y”. I have been training for this my entire life.